- Verlag: Archon Studio
- EAN: 5901414672713
- Verpackungseinheit: 30 Stück pro Umkarton
Spieleinhalt: 93 pieces (12 x floors, 24 x walls, 6 x doors, 6 x doorways, 42 x customization bits)
Diese Box enthält alle notwendigen Teile, um die City of Absalom zu bauen. Die Modelle bestehen aus Kunststoff, sind unbemalt und müssen zusammengebaut werden.
Dungeons & Lasers terrains are manufactured in tabletop scale with 30mm visible grids and 25mm walls.
- Zubehör für Tabletop, Rollenspiel und Minaturenspiele
- 93 Teile
- unbemalt, müssen zusammengebaut werden
- kommen im Gussrahmen aus Hartplastik
- 28mm Maßstab
- kompatibel u.a. mit D&D 5.Edition
- Spielmaterial sprachneutral / language independent
Bitte beachtet: Spielmaterial ist nicht bemalt und nicht zusammengesetzt. Zuschneiden und Reinigung kann vor dem Aufbau erforderlich sein.
Contents: 93 pieces (12 x floors, 24 x walls, 6 x doors, 6 x doorways, 42 x customization bits)
Behold the Ancient Prestige! Absalom boasts some of the finest - and oldest - buildings and monuments on the Inner Sea. Over the nearly 5 millennia since Aroden founded the city, Absalom has been built, rebuilt, and rebuilt again, resulting in a tapestry of architectural styles as diverse as the countless citizens and visitors who throng its streets and markets.
With a few plastic clicks, build a real tavern or city hall on your gaming table. Place your miniatures, including the innkeeper, and roll for the initiative!
And forget about glue - this city was designed by the finest Architects.
Dungeons & Lasers terrains are manufactured in tabletop scale with 30mm visible grids and 25mm half-height walls.
Please note: All models come unpainted and unassembled and may require trimming and cleaning before assembly.