- Verlag: Archon Studio
- EAN: 5901414676834
- Verpackungseinheit: 16 Stück pro Umkarton
Spieleinhalt: 69 Teile (bemalt)
Enter the Megadungeon!
Diese Box enthält alle notwendigen Teile, um die Abomination Vaults PRE-PAINTED zu bauen (z.B. Boden, Wände, Türen, Customization Bits ...).
Die Modelle bestehen aus Kunststoff, sind bemalt und müssen zusammengebaut werden.
Dungeons & Lasers terrains are manufactured in tabletop scale with 30mm visible grids and 25mm walls.
- Doors included - Fully funtional doors to surprise your party
- Built-in grid - compatible with every RPG game
- Half-heigt walls - Easily reach your models and oversee the game
- Customize it - Set includes columns, rubble and torches for extra detail
- Modular - Build your terrain in a flash
- Pre-painted - using the PrismaCast™ technology, providing unmatched detail and durability allowing you to build your dungeon within minutes
- Zubehör für Tabletop, Rollenspiel und Minaturenspiele
- kompatibel u.a. mit D&D 5.Edition
- 28-32 mm Maßstab
- 69 Teile
- vollständig mit Prisma Cast™ technology bemalt
- müssen zusammengebaut werden
- kommen im Gussrahmen aus Hartplastik
- Spielmaterial sprachneutral / language independent
Bitte beachtet: Spielmaterial ist nicht zusammengesetzt. Zuschneiden und Reinigung kann vor dem Aufbau erforderlich sein.
Contents: 69x pieces
Enter the Megadungeon!
Evil stirs in the depths of the Abomination Vaults, a sprawling dungeon where the evil sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex attempted to raise an army of monsters hundreds of years ago.
Brave heroes must venture into a dungeon full of beasts and traps to prevent a spiteful villain from rising again.
With a few plastic clicks, turn your favorite map into a real dungeon on your gaming table.
Place your miniatures, including mimics, and roll for the initiative! Walls will move revealing hidden areas, doors will be unlocked and treasures discovered. All is up to you, Adventurer.
Forget about glue - Belcorra’s magic will do the trick.
Dungeons & Lasers terrains are manufactured in tabletop scale with 30mm visible grids and 25mm half-height walls.
Box contains:
- 6 x Double floor
- 6 x Single floor
- 6 x Double wall
- 18 x Various single walls
- 6 x Doorway
- 6 x Functional doors
- 3 x Column
- 6 x Pile of rubble
- 12 x Torch
- 18 x Masking pegs
- Doors included - Fully funtional doors to surprise your party
- Built-in grid - compatible with every RPG game
- Half-heigt walls - Easily reach your models and oversee the game
- Customize it - Set includes torches and lamp posts for extra detail
- Modular - Build your terrain in a flash
- Pre-painted - using the PrismaCast™ technology, providing unmatched detail and durability allowing you to build your dungeon within minutes
- accessories for roleplaying and miniature games
- compatible with D&D 5th Edition and other RPG and Tabletop
- 28-32 mm scale
- 69 pieces
- fully pre-painted with Prisma Cast™ technology
- must be assembled
- language independent
Please note: All models come unassembled and may require trimming and cleaning before assembly.