Defenders of the Faith

Artikel-Nr.: WOC91840

Gebraucht, Nichtraucherhaushalt, leichter Abrieb an Ecken und Kanten, Zustand nach Schulnoten: 2

  • Spielsystem: Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition (3.0)
  • Verlag: Wizards of the Coast
  • Erschienen: 2001
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Autor: Rich Redman, James Wyatt
  • Softcover, 96 Seiten

Typ: Accessory


A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins


Divine Dedication Powers These Crusaders

This book spotlights the champions of deities in the D&D game, clerics and paladins. It's packed with ways to customize cleric and paladin characters, including:

  • New feats, prestige classes, weapons, and equipment.
  • More uses for turning checks, and new magic items and spells designed specially for clerics and paladins.
  • Information about special organizations such as the Laughing Knives and the Stargazers.
  • Detailed maps of temples that players and Dungeon Masters can use as bases of operation or as enemy structures that must be brought down.

Indispensable to both players and Dungeon Masters, this book adds excitement to any campaign.


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Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: D&D 3.0 und 3.5, D&D / AD&D, Rollenspiele

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