Dungeon Tiles: Lost Caverns of the Underdark

Artikel-Nr.: WOC94709

  • Spielsystem: Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition (3.5)
  • Verlag: Wizards of the Coast / EAN: 9780786947096
  • Erschienen: 2007
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Autor: James Wyatt
  • Graphik: Jason Engle
  • Alter: ab 12 Jahre
  • Spieleinhalt: 6 doppelseitig farbig bedruckte DIN A4-Stanzbögen mit Bodenplatten (3mm dicke Pappe)

Typ: Accessory

Reihe: Dungeon Tiles DT5


Customizable Caverns for Your D&D Roleplaying Game!


Build Your Own Dark Labyrinths

Your tabletop never looked better! With Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures and this pack of customizable dungeon tiles, you can add a new dimension to your D&D adventures. Easy to set up and infinitely expandable, this pack allows you to create the Underdark adventures you want to play. Pick up additional packs to create larger, more elaborate complexes!


This pack contains six durable, fully illustrated dungeon grids, featuring subterranean locales, lava pits, underground rivers, and other terrain elements that you can use to make great D&D encounters that enhance your roleplaying game experience.


Größe der Felder: 2,5 x 2,5 cm

Größe der Spielpläne: unterschiedlich (von 1 Feld bis zu 80 Felder große Spiel-Platten)


For use with these Dungeons & Dragons products: Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Game, and other Dungeon Tiles sets


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